8 queens puzzle introduction

This post is the first of a article series about the 8/N queens puzzle solving.


The 8 queens on a chessboard is a classic puzzle which consists of placing 8 queens on a chessboard with only one queen on each row, column and diagonal, you can try it with this chessboard (errors are not visible yet):

This Javascript is based on chessboard.js.com (GitHub link) under the MIT license. The modified version of this script can be found here.

Queen image is from Pixabay under the CC0 Public Domain.

Extention to N queens

This puzzle can be extended to N queens on a N x N chessboard and a higher value of N increase needed operations to find all solutions.

All implemented algorithm in this series of posts can count solutions on a chessboard of size N.

Solutions of the puzzle

Known number of solutions for N from 1 to 26 are:

N number of solutions
1 1
2 0
3 0
4 2
5 10
6 4
7 40
8 92
9 352
10 724
11 2 680
12 14 200
13 73 712
14 365 596
15 2 279 184
16 14 772 512
17 95 815 104
18 666 090 624
19 4 968 057 848
20 39 029 188 884
21 314 666 222 712
22 2 691 008 701 644
23 24 233 937 684 440
24 227 514 171 973 736
25 2 207 893 435 808 352
26 22 317 699 616 364 044

Source: sequence A000170 on OEIS.

On a classic chessboard there is 92 distinct solutionsn and this chessboard is one solution:

Resolve the puzzle

This puzzle can be solved with various algorithms. It is quite easy to resolve when N is low and it is a good pratice for testing various algorithms and optimisations.

Next posts of this series will explain brute-force and back-tracking algorithms and possible optimisations with some benchmarks to compare. Algorithms will be implemented in Java and all shown code and algorithms are on this GitHub project and are under the MIT license.

Why implementations are in Java?

Java is my main programming language and is very popular.

Because of the Java runtime machine (JVM) overhead, Java programs can be slower than assembler/compiled languages(C, C++, Go, …) programs for CPU-bound programs.

But a fast Java program is faster than a slow assembler/C program because of algorithm optimisations. Nevertheless a same algortihm implemented in Java and in a optimized compiled language should be executed a faster by the compiled language program in most cases.


Benchmarks will be implemented in Java with multiple runs of the same algorithms with the fastest 20% and the slowest 20% runs discarding.

To compare diferent benchmarks, they need to be run on the same computer at the same time (sequentially), that will be the case in theses posts.

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